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Tohoku Area Surf Spots

68 selections of surfing spots in Tohoku Region

Aomori Surf Spots

Introducing surf spots in the Tohoku region of Japan at once.
The long coastline leading to the northeastern Pacific side is dotted with surf spots that can handle waves from various directions.
From Aomori to Iwate, swells can be expected from the low pressure system that has passed toward the Kuril Peninsula due to the influence of the northward direction.

Iwate and Miyagi on the rias coast on the Pacific side of Aomori where you can enjoy various types of waves.
From Iwate to Miyagi, the south swell is sensitively caught from the terrain facing south. On the Fukushima Pacific side, it catches the swell of the Pacific Ocean in a wide range in all directions. Find your own favorite surfing spots on a surfing trip to Tohoku.
In the Tohoku region, the beautiful Pacific coastline, which is long from north to south, creates various wave breaks. Tohoku people with a wide variety of waves and a very warm heart that are perfect for surf trips. There is no doubt about the memories of a lifetime of a surfing.

Aomori Area

The Aomori area often has waves due to the effects of low pressure moving eastward in the Pacific Ocean.
Furthermore, it is a hidden surf powerhouse that often catches good-sized waves by picking up the north swell even in the winter when the west is high and the east is low and the low pressure that develops off the northeastern coast of Hokkaido.
Around Hachinohe in Aomori, Momoishi and Kanehama are major surf spots.

The main break of Rokkasho Village located in the northern part of Obuchinuma Fishing Port.

Rivermouth surf spot near the estuary.

Takasegawa estuary surf spot for advanced surfers.

The main spot is on the south side of Misawa Fishing Port. There are many thick waves.

Waves are likely to break around the three breakwaters.

A beach break that can be enjoyed by beginners who are shallow and vast.

A beach break that can be enjoyed by beginners too.

A beach break that even beginners can enjoy. It catches the swell widely from the south to the north.

It’s a surf spot that the locals cherish, so be careful about your manners.

Iwate AreaIwate Surfing

The intricate rias coastal coves are dotted with countless surf spots. Since there are many small bay-like terrains, there are many wind-resistant spots, and it may be possible to surf even onshore from east to northeast. There are many surf spots with a small capacity in this area, so refrain from accessing with a large number of surfers.

It is a spot blessed with relatively waves and a high-quality break on the reef.

Edogahama beach is a reef point, and the southwesterly wind is offshore.

A relatively easy beach break that even beginners can enjoy.

The stable terrain of the reefs and sands constantly breaks the waves.

A leaf break point with a tetrapod.

A local spot at the mouth of the Akegawa River. Only one peak.

A surf spot located in the fishing port.

It is one of the major surf spots in Iwate on the rias coast, but the current situation is difficult due to coastal erosion.

If there is a swell from the north to the east, it will be a powerful regular break.

A point that does not break unless there is a strong south swell.

Regular only high quality leaf break.

Goofy break is the main leaf point.

Usually there are no waves. However, in a strong swell, it is a point to break with the outer leaf.

The waves are infrequent, but when the southeastern swells are strong, indicating a high quality break.

Famous as a break for regular-only hollow advanced surfers.

Miyagi AreaMiyagi Surfing

Check out the Miyagi area when typhoons and low pressure systems move north along the Pacific Ocean.
The best season for the Miyagi area is from spring to autumn, when there are swells from the south to the east, because expectations tend to be low with pressure distributions of high west and low east.
The seawater temperature in winter is low and a head cap may be required. There are many famous points such as Sendai Shinko, which is famous as one of the biggest wave spots in Japan.
Arahama, located at the mouth of the Abukuma River, catches a wide range of north-south swells, so you can often surf even in winter.

A relatively easy beach break that even beginners can enjoy.

A reef break for advanced surfers only. also known local point.

Three breakpoints are popular with intermediate and above surfers.

Due to the influence of the tetrapod, it does not become an extremely big size and is a moderate size.

The main spot of Ishinomaki local surfers who react sensitively to the south-east swell.

Major surf spot around Kesennuma. Enjoyable for beginners.

A surf point for locals located in the south direction of Matsushima, which is famous as a scenic spot.

One of the biggest wave spot in Japan that can withstand up to 6 to 8 feet on the south side of the embankment at the right end of Sendai Port.

Located in the south of Sendai New Port. It is easily affected by the wind and the terrain is difficult to determine.

The sandbar around the tetrapod makes it easier for the waves to break.

The main points are the estuary and the beach on the south side.

At the mouth of the Abukuma River, the point of break is located far away, and the current tide is strong.

A large beach on the south side of Arahama Beach. Even beginners can enjoy it.

A long beach of about 3KM south of the famous Arahama surf spot about 20 minutes.

Often one size smaller than the surrounding surf spots.

A local surf spot and mainly Goofy break.

A surf spot that can be enjoyed widely from beginners to advanced surfers.

Fukushima AreaFukushima Surfing

There are year-round waves in Fukushima, and it is characteristic that it is easy to catch swells from any direction.
The waves have power and there is a great variety of waves. It can be said that it is the best terrain for surfing because it is easy to select the surf spot according to the direction of the wind and swell.
Since the water temperature is quite low in winter, it is a surfing area where cold weather measures are essential.

The coast of Rachikizaki in the Isoyama district, near the border of Miyagi prefecture. Quite powerful waves.

A beach point that breaks around the Tetrapod on the Tsurishihama coast.

A point that catches a wide range of swells from north to south and has constant waves.

Catch a wide range of swells from south to north. It is a shallow beach and has a large parking space.

It is a long beach that lasts more than 2KM, and there are no signs of surfers and there is no congestion.

The point is Migitahama on the embankment adjacent to Karasuzaki.

The westerly wind is offshore, but the north wind is also a valuable point that can be slightly avoided by the embankment on the left side of the beach.

A popular surf spot on the south side of the Haramachi Thermal Power Station. Great waves.

Catch a wide range of swells from north to south.

A beach break point that even beginners can enjoy.

A point near the mouth of the Kumagawa River. There are many salmon run-ups in early autumn.

The waves don’t usually hit. It breaks beautifully with a strong south swell.

Easy access from Route 6. A popular spot that is sensitive to swells.

A surf point in the village of Numanouchi, Iwaki City.

Shallow beach with two islands.

The main surf spot of the Iwaki are. The waves are powerful and constantly.

A shallow beach break for beginners.

A shallow beach south of the Marine Tower with various facilities.

The very beautiful Obama coast where the cape on the left side facing the sea dodges the wind.

A beach with constant wave breaks.

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