Shioshika (Ise, Mie Region) Surfing Info and Details

The point is on the east side of the R260 Isobue Tunnel. If it is over 3ft, it can break on the far outside.
This point is called “Jan” and the topography of the ocean floor is deep and the shore break is hard, so beginners should avoid this point.
If the conditions are right, you can expect to see tubes. The regular break from the right side of the beach and the goofy break from the left side were excellent in the past, but the number of breaks is decreasing.
Shioshika Surf Spot Map
Isobue, Hamashima-cho, Shima City
Shioshika Surf Spot Details
Difficulty : Advanced Surfer
Best Wave Size : 3ft~
Offshore Winds : North-northeast
Type of Wave : Sand and Rock
Best Season : From summer to autumn
???? Parking Info : Parking
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